Razón del nombre del blog

Razón del nombre del blog
El por qué del título de este blog . Según Gregorio Magno, San Benito se encontraba cada año con su hermana Escolástica. Al caer la noche, volvía a su monasterio. Esta vez, su hermana insistió en que se quedara con ella,y él se negó. Ella oró con lágrimas, y Dios la escuchó. Se desató un aguacero tan violento que nadie pudo salir afuera. A regañadientes, Benito se quedó. Asi la mujer fue más poderosa que el varón, ya que, "Dios es amor" (1Juan 4,16),y pudo más porque amó más” (Lucas 7,47).San Benito y Santa Escolástica cenando en el momento que se da el milagro que narra el Papa Gregorio Magno. Fresco en el Monasterio "Santo Speco" en Subiaco" (Italia)

martes, 28 de junio de 2011

Como la nota es no saber nada, publico en inglés para que nadie ni yo entendamos lo que pasa y asi todos felices...

Carlos Romero fears that President Chávez's silence damages Venezuela

At his Cuban "oasis of peace," Chávez evades his country plight

Since Chávez is in Havana, Cuba, only pictures of him together with the Castro brothers have been disseminated (Photo: AVN)

GOVERNMENT "Good day, my dear fellows! Today is the Army Day and the sun is shining! A big hug shall go to my soldiers and my beloved people!" In this way, Venezuela's President Hugo Chávez used the Twitter social network to break last Saturday his 20-day silence.

The president sent a press release, according to Minci

Venezuela's Chávez congratulates journalists on their day

"We specially celebrate Journalist s Day, a profession having the privilege of founding and fighting every day. You feel the pulse of the economic, political and social life in the country, and you have the honorable responsibility of raising awareness, the patriotic commitment and our people s memory," reads the text presumably penned by Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez

Venezuela's President Hugo Chávez congratulated journalists on their day. He called them "artillerymen and artillery-women" in an unsigned press release posted by Minister of Information and Communication Andrés Izarra on the Twitter social network.

"We specially celebrate Journalist's Day, a profession having the privilege of founding and fighting every day."

"You, unlike other professions, feel the pulse of the economic, political and social life in the country, and you have the honorable responsibility of raising awareness, the patriotic commitment and our people's memory," reads the text reportedly authored by President Chávez, according to Minister Izarra.

Chávez underwent surgery in Cuba 17 days ago. Since then, he has been on sick leave in the island.

The president sent a press release, according to Minci

Venezuela's Chávez congratulates journalists on their day

"We specially celebrate Journalist s Day, a profession having the privilege of founding and fighting every day. You feel the pulse of the economic, political and social life in the country, and you have the honorable responsibility of raising awareness, the patriotic commitment and our people s memory," reads the text presumably penned by Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez

Venezuela's President Hugo Chávez congratulated journalists on their day. He called them "artillerymen and artillery-women" in an unsigned press release posted by Minister of Information and Communication Andrés Izarra on the Twitter social network.

"We specially celebrate Journalist's Day, a profession having the privilege of founding and fighting every day."

"You, unlike other professions, feel the pulse of the economic, political and social life in the country, and you have the honorable responsibility of raising awareness, the patriotic commitment and our people's memory," reads the text reportedly authored by President Chávez, according to Minister Izarra.

Chávez underwent surgery in Cuba 17 days ago. Since then, he has been on sick leave in the island.

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