Razón del nombre del blog

Razón del nombre del blog
El por qué del título de este blog . Según Gregorio Magno, San Benito se encontraba cada año con su hermana Escolástica. Al caer la noche, volvía a su monasterio. Esta vez, su hermana insistió en que se quedara con ella,y él se negó. Ella oró con lágrimas, y Dios la escuchó. Se desató un aguacero tan violento que nadie pudo salir afuera. A regañadientes, Benito se quedó. Asi la mujer fue más poderosa que el varón, ya que, "Dios es amor" (1Juan 4,16),y pudo más porque amó más” (Lucas 7,47).San Benito y Santa Escolástica cenando en el momento que se da el milagro que narra el Papa Gregorio Magno. Fresco en el Monasterio "Santo Speco" en Subiaco" (Italia)

sábado, 17 de septiembre de 2011


Hola papi y mami, queria compartir con ustedes el nombramiento de mi nueva etapa professional. Este fue el email que mandandaron ayer a toda la compañia con nuestras nuevas posiciones…
Gabriela Fierro
Human Resources Manager
A&E | The History Channel | bioE!
Ole  Communications__________________________________
2525 Ponce De Leon Blvd | Ste. 250 | Miami, FL 33134
T. 305.260.7577 | Fax. 305.260.7574
From: Jorge Gonzalez 
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2011 3:18 PM
To: Administrator; Adriana Ortega; Agustin Acosta; Alberto Escalona; Alfredo C. Gomez; Alfredo Finale; Amanda Garcia; Ana Carolini; Ana Casas; Ana Cecilia Cuevas; Andrea Arrigone; Angela Cubillos; Barbara Cuesta; Brian M. Arcuri; Carlos Cusco; Carlos Hermida; Carmen Aracil; Carmen Miret; Carolina Saavedra; Cesar M. Coletti; Cesar Sabroso; Cristina Hussain; Dagmar Rivera; Dana Herndon; Daniel Ramirez; Daniela Zavala; David Ona; Delvys "Barbie" Dominguez; Diana C. Armas; Eduardo Cusco; Eduardo Ruiz; Eli Bravo; Elizabeth Salas; Emilia Peña; Emilio Alcalde; Enrique Cusco; Esperanza Torres; Felix Guillermo; Francesca Rey; Francisco Moreno; Fred Medina; Gabriela Escalona; Gabriela Fernandez; Gabriela Fierro; Grace Jimenez; Gretchen Ortiz; Gustavo Gomez; Gustavo Ordonez; Ignacio Sanz; Isabel Quintero; Ivette Villalobos; Jacqueline Cantore; Jennifer Dominguez; Jennifer McBride; Jorge Domingo; Jorge Gonzalez; Jose Domingo Silva; Julieta Garcia; Julio C. Camacho; Lissette Flores; Lorena Mata; Lourdes Ubieta; Luciana Pavan; Maite Cerra; Manuel Castro; Maria A. Izturriaga; Maria Rueda; Maria Teresa Barbeito; Marielos Esquivel; Marta Mole; Melisa Quiñoy; Mercedes Rodriguez; Michael Valdivia; Micheli Erazo; Miriam Cruz Bustillo; Mislena Perez; Monica Cruz; Myriam Delgado; Naneki Delerme; Nelson Rubio; Nicholas Ayala; Ninoska Trigueros; Olga Estrada; Olga Vazquez; Patricia Schille; Patty Villoldo; Rafael Echeverria; Raquel Villanueva; Rebeca Miranda; Reception; Rene Pedrosa; Ricardo Brown; Santiago Herrera; Sergio Gomez Jr.; Sergio Pizzolante; Stelin Rojas; Tatiana Gonzalez; Teresa Zerpa; Tony Salanova; Victor Hernandez; Viri Garcia; William Lacorra; Yamileth Salazar; Yanelys Aparicio; Yanet Diaz; Yelena Grillet; Zairenna Barboza; Enrique Cusco (Personal)
Subject: Staff Changes at Ole Communications/IVC Television
Importance: High
With the expansion of our businesses and offices, we also need to expand our staff and level of services. As many of you already know, we recently expanded our Human Resources and Information Technology departments, and now it is time to recognize the talented individuals that will be supervising these areas.
We are very pleased to announce the following promotions:
Cristina Hussain: Cristina’s new title is now is Director of Office Administration and Human Resources. Many of you have worked with Cristina and her team in the ad sales services areas. Her role now expands to supervise our Human Resources department, which provides HR services to all the staff of A&E Ole Networks, E! Entertainment, Ole Communications and Actualidad 1020AM Radio based in Coral Gables. Reporting to Cristina will be the ad sales administration team and Gabriela Fierro.
Brian Arcuri: Brian’s new title is Director of Information Technology Services. Brian supervises our IT department which is responsible for providing IT, network, technical support, technology purchasing and related services to A&E Ole Networks, E! Entertainment, Ole Communications and Actualidad 1020AM Radio. Reporting to Brian will be Alfredo Gomez.
Gabriela Fierro: Gaby’s new title is Human Resources Manager. Everyone knows Gaby in her role as our HR coordinator. With the expansion of HR services, Gaby will be taking on greater coordination duties for planning and staff training. Gaby will report to Cristina Hussain.
Please join us in congratulating Cristina, Brian and Gaby on their promotions.
Best regards,

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